The Bible, God’s inspired Word, is the only conclusive source of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of ultimate realities. It is a fountainhead of truth and a gold mine of practical principles, waiting to liberate and enrich the person who will pursue its truth and wealth.
Paul’s instruction to “be diligent … a worker” has been applied by Christians throughout the centuries as a directive to study the Word of God. The only way to healthy, balanced living is by “rightly dividing” God’s Word. The ability to rightly apply God’s Word is the result of diligent studying.
Psalm 119:11 further urges memorizing the Word of God as a mighty deterrent against sin. Memorizing Scripture provides an immediate availability of God’s words as a sword, ready in witnessing and effective in spiritual warfare.
As we continue to pour God’s Word into our hearts, let it “dwell in [us] richly” (Col. 3:16), today and every day!