
The Power of a Praising Church

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart... -Acts 2:46

The people of God are called to worship together. Thus, the church is able to form a worshipping community. Our relationship with God is to be filled with praise and worship for Him, but we are also called to be part of a community that worships together. 

The Church’s life together is based on shared worship. We discover that what is true of the whole church is true of all its parts. Each segment of the church benefits as a community when its members worship. Husbands and wives find a new dimension of unity and intimacy as they worship together. Parents who pray with their children strengthen already existing ties. Small groups, committees, boards and task forces move beyond natural affinity and shared work to supernatural unity as they commit themselves to worship together. 
