
Ready for Harvest

"Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" -John 4:35

A harvest can sneak up on you! Especially when it’s a new field! Imagine Jesus – a Jew, a man, a righteous rabbi – talking openly with a Samaritan woman who was immoral and known for her many marriages. But, she was thirsty for “living water.” She was so taken by Jesus’ words that she went to her village and invited many friends to hear for themselves.  Many of these despised Samaritans believed in Jesus, exclaiming, “We know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world” (John 4:42).

Are there any “Samaritans” in your community? Who are the “despised foreigners” around you? Who are the immoral? Lift up your eyes and look at these unlikely fields. Are they ripe for harvest?

Ask the Lord of the harvest. He knows! Ask Him for a “key contact” like the woman at the well, an influential person with many “friends.” It could be harvest time!
