Praise and the upright person go together. It is absolutely impossible to think of one apart from the other. The Lord delights in the praises of His people, and there is a distinct beauty, not only in the form of worship and praise, but also in its transforming qualities in the worshiper’s life. Praise with thanksgiving and worship from the heart provide a garment visible on the outside and beauty seen on the inside of a person.
The psalmist declares he has been clothed with gladness (Ps. 30:11). In Isaiah 61:3 we are instructed to put on “the garment of praise.” Praise is the customary apparel of the upright! If we stop praising, it is as if we are unclothed.
The King James Version of Psalm 33:1 declares “praise is comely for the upright.” Maybe it will just make us a little better looking! That is certainly true in our attitudes and relationships. Praisers do not make good complainers. So continue growing as a praising saint. God loves it and it looks good on you!