Jesus likened this present era during which we await His return as a season of time His people are to be “doing business.” He illustrated this as a heavenly investment program by which He distributes to us the wealth of His life, love, and grace. He then assigns us to “operate” and do business in His Name until He returns.
The New Testament word translated “do business” is the one from which we have derived our English word “pragmatic.” Noticing that can intensify our awareness that spiritual living is not ethereal, escapist, or other-worldly. It is right smack dab in the middle of reality, right here and now.
Today, invite the Holy Spirit to make you aware of “kingdom moments of opportunity,” situations in which you can do business for the Lord. Many people need to meet someone who can trade kingdom resources for their human need; who will trade love for the fear that binds them, healing for the sickness that afflicts them, forgiveness for the sin that stains them, strength for the weakness they feel. Today, let us conduct kingdom enterprise, “doing business” in Jesus’ Name.