
God’s Ultimate Statement of Love

What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? -Psalm 8:4

How often have you watched the glistening eyes of a child as Christmastime lights are arrayed, and the little one stares in happy awe at the splendor surrounding him? In a more mature way, that is exactly what stirred David’s soul – the lights were the stars, and his awestruck joy was born of gratitude to the Creator.

As he sings, studying the night sky as a beginning point in praising God for the whole of His created universe, David comes to a focus in it all. He basically says, “Lord, when I look at all this, I am overwhelmed with one question: what is man that you pay so much attention to him?”

God’s “Christmas visit” to mankind is the ultimate statement He made about us. His visit not only unfolds His love reaching out to mankind, but it unveils the sense of value He places on each of us as His redeeming love came to restore us. As His children, may the lights of Christmas shine in our eyes with gratitude for such love.
