The Priestly Call
The miracle-laden story of Israel’s deliverance from Egyptian bondage is the pivotal event of the Old Testament. Its sum and substance is a God-intended forecast, inscribed in His eternal Word to teach us today—by type and by example (1 Cor. 10:11). The beginning point, their deliverance through the blood of the passover lamb, is the most precious and most obvious lesson, one which is fulfilled in us when we receive Christ as our Passover Lamb—as Savior and as our Deliverer (John 1:29; 1 Cor. 5:7).
As we follow this divinely ordained pattern for new life in the “kingdom-of-the-freed,” there is a specific purpose to which we are called: to be a kingdom of priests. It is in pursuing this path that all God’s purposes in us will be fulfilled and victorious living realized. This is the priestly pathway of worship.
In God’s words to Moses, let us see the changelessness of this priestly call. They were called to a ministry of worship, precisely the same as that to which we are called (Rev. 1:5, 6). To answer this call, let us invite the Holy Spirit to freshly fill us for this ministry of worship.