Discover the power of the Cross against unseen evil. In his first book on spiritual warfare, Jack Hayford details his personal battle plan for unleashing God’s power and defeating hell on Earth. Read Chapter 1 - "Rules of Engagement."
Jack Hayford’s landmark teaching on the Book of Nehemiah unfolds a clear picture of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit assisting the believer in rebuilding life’s broken places. Nehemiah—whose name means Comforter—is a picture of the Holy Spirit who has come to repair, rebuild, and restore. Just as Nehemiah came to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem and its temple, so the Holy Spirit is ready to rebuild the thoughts, emotions, and character of those who have received new life in Christ.
I love and applaud singles in any and every generation of life, and no matter where they find themselves within the spectrum of circumstances or the span that encompasses singlehood. From the outset of this book, let me assert that there isn't one of those singles who is even slightly less in God's order or potential for life fulfillment by reason of his or her being single.
In "Men First: But For The Right Reasons" from "Sharpening Your Leading Edge," Jack Hayford writes that there is no way that male authority or leadership over women can be properly deduced from the Bible as being the original intent of God.
The words “Spirit-filled” have sparked a mixture of interest, blessings, misunderstanding, and uncertainty among believers for years. Pastor Jack Hayford discusses this aspect of the Christian life, explaining its biblical truth and the guidelines the Word gives about it. This clear presentation provides a valuable reference point that will inspire you and invite Jesus’ fullest workings in your life.
Jack Hayford tells the story of receiving his spiritual language and explains how he came to validate that experience. In sensible, biblical terms he describes how tongues speaking is neither gibberish nor emotional exuberance, but rather an intimate encounter with the heart of God.
Travel with me to the drab, uninviting town called Nazareth and see how God is able to bring life into the most barren settings; to breathe hope into the most unpromising situations. The Christmas miracle is not only that of our Savior's birth; Jesus, in fact, came to birth miracles in all of us.
Excerpt: "The Starting Place." A lesson learned by five-year-old Jack Hayford upon receiving his first allowance of ten cents is as true today as it was then. That childhood lesson about one penny initiated a pattern of giving that has brought blessing to his entire life.
[Formerly titled "Manifest Presence."] God almighty is stirring hearts to worship because He is about to make an entrance. His Spirit is moving His people to, as it were, “roll out the red carpet—the King is coming to visit you.”
Few prayers are more fervent that the longing for loved ones to come into the Kingdom. While this place of intercession is a privilege, it is also a place of challenge. It requires perseverance, boldness, and sometimes getting out of God’s way!
Since the beginning, God planned to single out the Nation of Israel. Then, after Messiah comes, to reunify Israel and the other Nations. This is the hour for Unity. Unity - Awakening the One New Man confirms: Yeshua's sacrifice as the Passover Lamb satisfies all of God's requirements for redemption and restoration to reunify the Kingdom of God. Yeshua has become our peace. This is God's plan for Unity. Unity - Awakening the One New Man explores: God's sovereign alliance between Jews and Gentiles will reunify believers.