
Covet the Best Gifts

Covet the Best Gifts

Written by Jack Hayford
All believers have within themselves spiritual gifts that are to be recognized, cultivated and distributed to others. Understanding the distinctive gifts given by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit opens up the "eyes of our understanding" about who we are, who we can become and how the Holy Spirit enhances and expands what we were made to be.
Creation Shall Praise Him!

Creation Shall Praise Him!

Written by Jack Hayford
I’m thankful that through Christ Jesus, the One who made all things, I am being recovered from the debris of confusion in a world where most of humankind have lost their identity and their destined individuality. It’s enough to wake you up in the morning with a song.
Deliciously Vanilla!

Deliciously Vanilla!

Written by Jack Hayford
When asked how Anna and I have made our marriage work for more than six decades, I tell people, “It’s right there in the most practical handbook available—the Word of God”. Here's the story of how we first met...
Discarding Old Baggage for a New Year

Discarding Old Baggage for a New Year

Written by Jack Hayford
What difference does a new year make? We aren’t superstitiously supposing that everything changes because we flip the page of a calendar, but we do know that the Lord is faithful to steward whatever is given to Him. As this New Year begins, I encourage you to let the Holy Spirit fill you afresh and drive out any oppressive works of hell and enter this New Year as a runner, fit to run the race, with all eyes on your loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
Do All Things Really Work For Good?

Do All Things Really Work For Good?

Written by Jack Hayford
The Bible does not say that all things work together in and of themselves. The Bible says that all things work together for good in a context where people who see the invisible recognize that there is a warfare and a struggle going on that is much larger than this present era.
Dreaming the Impossible, Seeing the Invisible

Dreaming the Impossible, Seeing the Invisible

Written by Jack Hayford
God’s “hopes” are what He already sees and anticipates ready to be released in His people. All they need to do is align with what He’s ready to do. "The Kingdom of God is at hand" means it is within our reach. The victory is the Lord’s, and the battle is secure. We must enter into the fray, for it does not happen automatically.
Everything for Christ

Everything for Christ

Written by Jack Hayford
There is no more significant moment in my life’s recollection than when, as a teenager, I declared, “Jesus, You can have it all.” I’d opened to everything He had for me when I was ten, but I gave Him everything I had six years later.
Faith That Pleases God

Faith That Pleases God

Written by Jack Hayford
Faith that pleases God is saving, redemptive, and triumphant. Pastor Jack teaches on how to walk out and grow in these three unique facets of faith...