
When You Think You’re At The End: Resurrection Day

When You Think You’re At The End: Resurrection Day

Written by Jack Hayford
When you think you're at the end, Jesus comes with a trumpet call, appearing as you've never seen Him before. He has the keys to release life into any circumstance that may seem dying or dead. He is the Alpha and Omega, the author and finisher of your faith, who declares: "The triumph of My Resurrection is intended to penetrate your today, and nothing can write your ending but Me."
When You’re Stuck in a Storm

When You’re Stuck in a Storm

Written by Jack Hayford
God uses storms to get us adjusted in our viewpoint and re-targeted on what life is truly about. When you or I are stuck in a storm, the Lord's presence is what brings us through. Just ask the disciples who were in a boat that was tossed about by contrary winds.
Why and How We Worship

Why and How We Worship

Written by Jack Hayford
Wherever God's people come together to worship, we become a habitation for His presence. The expression of worship is not a requirement for salvation, but a means for truth springing to life in the midst of people.
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Written by Jack Hayford
Why can't people get along? Because there is no power in human will, human flesh, or human systems for the kind of generosity needed to overcome the inherent injustice of fallen humanity living in a broken world. True reconciliation only comes about through grace.
Why Should We Study the Ten Commandments?

Why Should We Study the Ten Commandments?

Written by Jack Hayford
The Ten Commandments are as misunderstood and misapplied as any portion of the Bible. While we are not saved on their basis, the Ten Commandments are not optional for believers in Jesus Christ, nor do they become become irrelevant when we get saved. They are the pathway of knowing life to its fullest and living life to its limits.
Why Stand With Israel Today?

Why Stand With Israel Today?

Written by Jack Hayford
The Church, at its inception, was virtually entirely Jewish. Today we are living in a sobering moment in history that calls us, as believers in Jesus Christ, to take a stand with Israel. Pastor Hayford outlines eight reasons why.
You Need to Declare War

You Need to Declare War

Written by Jack Hayford
Life or death, health or sickness, poverty or provision, communication and healthy relationships or division and strife—all have to do with more than circumstance. We are on a planet where the cosmic struggle is being played out, but we are not just pawns in the game. We have been made kings and priests under Jesus, and we need to declare war.
You’re Worth More Than “IT”

You’re Worth More Than “IT”

Written by Jack Hayford
God wants us to confront anything that hinders our confidence or reduces our hope for the fulfillment of what we were meant to be. You have infinite worth, great promise, high hopes and a certain future in God's purpose.
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