Dreaming the Impossible, Seeing the Invisible

Dreaming the Impossible, Seeing the Invisible

God’s “hopes” are what He already sees and anticipates ready to be released in His people. All they need to do is align with what He’s ready to do. "The Kingdom of God is at hand" means it is within our reach. The victory is the Lord’s, and the battle is secure. We must enter into the fray, for it does not happen automatically.
How To Pray Through a Crisis

How To Pray Through a Crisis

The unqualified invitation of God's will and way into a crisis guarantees your ability to stand in faith, knowing that the answer you have is His. Such prayer releases God’s maximum redemptive purposes, and such living releases an ever deepening conformity to the Person and power of Jesus in our life.
Believing Prayer Can Change Your World

Believing Prayer Can Change Your World

God's key to changing a nation comes through the prayers of His people. The church's assigned priority is prayer, and the power of a rising tidal wave of prayer can drive back the strongest surges of evil that the flesh or devil can generate.
Pleading the Blood

Pleading the Blood

Pleading the blood of Jesus is not the superstitious application of a magic formula of words. Rather, a spiritual dynamic is being applied. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ is greater than both the energy of our own humanity and that of our Adversary.
Believing Prayers Are Decisive

Believing Prayers Are Decisive

The average believer never learns to pray beyond the circle of their own personal need, usually because they suppose it’s presumptuous to pray for great issues, or they feel their faith isn’t great enough. Yet the Word of God calls us to pray for our cities and nations, assuring us that our prayers are indeed decisive.