Open to the Savior

Open to the Savior

Are you praying for your family's salvation, or are you new to the family of God? Perhaps you are wondering about making that decision. God loves you, accepts you, and wants to welcome you to His family. Everyone is invited! Here's how to begin your new life in Christ.
How Father God Feels About You

How Father God Feels About You

In the story of a father’s heart toward his prodigal son, Jesus also tells us how Father God feels about us, even in the face of our failures or the wastefulness of what He’s given to us. Like the father in the story, Father God never loses hope for us, is always looking our way, responds to our repentance, and desires to reinstate us.
The Greatest Thanksgiving Feast

The Greatest Thanksgiving Feast

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus tells of a young man who's wasted his inheritance and winds up at a dead end. When he humbly returns home, his father welcomes him with love and a feast. It is a story of the grace that frustrates human pride, forgives all failure, loves beyond explanation, refuses to be reduced, and insists on celebration.
Friendship With God

Friendship With God

God wants friendship with us, and Jesus paid the price for it. But for many people, there are three things at work against the possibility of our having a confident relationship with Him. Pastor Jack explains how to overcome these limiting factors and enter into a fulfilling relationship with our Heavenly Father...