The Power of Love

The Power of Love

"My power is My love," spoke the Lord to me, as I passionately prayed for Him to move in power upon the congregation I served. Love is the very nature of God, the heart of His redemptive grace. And God's power is manifested through us as we live out that love to others.
How Father God Feels About You

How Father God Feels About You

In the story of a father’s heart toward his prodigal son, Jesus also tells us how Father God feels about us, even in the face of our failures or the wastefulness of what He’s given to us. Like the father in the story, Father God never loses hope for us, is always looking our way, responds to our repentance, and desires to reinstate us.
Making Holidays Happily Holy

Making Holidays Happily Holy

Nothing is more likely to open hearts to Christ than being exposed to the joy of Jesus in a home or congregation where people have learned to radiate celebration with a richness of joy that only the original Spirit of Christmas can bring.
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