Overcoming Fear with Faith

Overcoming Fear with Faith

Recognizing a clear-cut, head-on attack of a spirit of fear can be a challenge. We become afraid to be bold, tearing ourselves up with self-scrutiny, inclined to function from a defensive stance rather than from the solidity of a positive-in-faith position. Pastor Jack gives practical guidance on how to confront fear and charge ahead!
No One Like Jesus

No One Like Jesus

When the Holy Spirit causes Jesus’ grandeur and glory to overflow our hearts, He overflows our minds as well, and we will find ourselves more than ever “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15).
A Good Reminder About a Bad Heart

A Good Reminder About a Bad Heart

You and I are surrounded by phenomenal displays of God’s power, grace and miracles. Yet unbelief and thanklessness survive too easily in our world. How can we avoid the mistake of supposing ourselves incapable of heart-hardness?
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