Three Benefits of Water Baptism

Three Benefits of Water Baptism

Baptism not only has benefit in obedience, it unlocks the same resources in the invisible realm for us that it released for Jesus. This infusion from heaven may be freshly re-appropriated throughout your life.
Finding God When You’ve Failed

Finding God When You’ve Failed

How can I pray when we know I've failed God? Awareness of sin may cripple a believer's confidence in prayer, and it can also be used as a tool of the enemy to keep you at a distance from the Father. Pastor Jack shares how to pray with confidence and approach the Throne of God, even in the midst of our failures.
When You’re Stuck in a Storm

When You’re Stuck in a Storm

God uses storms to get us adjusted in our viewpoint and re-targeted on what life is truly about. When you or I are stuck in a storm, the Lord's presence is what brings us through. Just ask the disciples who were in a boat that was tossed about by contrary winds.
The Song of the Seasoned Soul

The Song of the Seasoned Soul

I wrote this song (and message) as the "seasoned soul" when my 63rd birthday approached. It was inspired by Psalm 37 which encourages us to trust the Lord when everything around us screams for us to take our own course of action.
A Call To Turn God’s Way

A Call To Turn God’s Way

God calls us to capture His possibilities for each season of our lives. Reject the world’s thinking about age. With age comes increase, significance and substance. The course of change and age impacts everyone’s life sooner or later, so don't let these things cause your world to come apart. God desires to do great things in your life, if you will answer His call to...
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