Believing Prayer Can Change Your World

Believing Prayer Can Change Your World

God's key to changing a nation comes through the prayers of His people. The church's assigned priority is prayer, and the power of a rising tidal wave of prayer can drive back the strongest surges of evil that the flesh or devil can generate.
Abiding with Jesus

Abiding with Jesus

I felt a tender tap on the shoulder by the Holy Spirit. A whisper. He seemed to speak quietly to me, nudging me to avert the danger of becoming so caught up in prayer warfare and faith's pursuits that I neglect simply "being with Jesus..."
God Planned You!

God Planned You!

Although God may not have desired the way a person came into the world, that does not mean He does not have a specific purpose for that individual. Long before anyone is conceived, God's purpose for that LIFE is foreseen.
About Astrology

About Astrology

The Bible not only rejects but also condemns astrology. But the way to relate to a person involved in it is not to preach against their practice, but to show them the love of Jesus Christ.
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