Getting to the Heart of Worship

Getting to the Heart of Worship

We’ve been inclined to conclude "mind" and "spirit" are synonyms, when the Bible shows the "heart" is a more likely candidate to answer to the meaning of "worshiping in spirit" (John 4:24). The exercises of our enlightened minds may deduce God, but only our ignited hearts can delight Him. Pastor Jack explains how to get to the "heart" of worship...
When Man Won’t Let Go

When Man Won’t Let Go

God is looking for those who will move into partnership with Him in the struggle for mankind. He is searching for those who will grow up, who will lay hold of prayer responsibility, who will accept fundamental disciplines of the Jesus-life, who will give unselfishly, and who will speak openly.
How to Draw Closer to God

How to Draw Closer to God

Worship is not just something we do together in church; it is a way of life. It makes room for God to do things more powerfully, readily and gloriously than anything man can work up on his own.
When Faith Seems to Fail

When Faith Seems to Fail

What do you do when God doesn’t heal the way you had expected? The faith-filled ministry of healing so often blossoms with blessing, yet when faith for healing, grace and miracles seems to boomerang, it can strike believers with dilemma and disappointment.
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