My Personal Testimony of Healing

My Personal Testimony of Healing

A congenital birth defect should have ended my life at one year old, but prayers offered by a church opened the way for a miraculous healing. I yearn for parents to learn to teach their children about the healing power of Jesus because once a child is healed by the power of Christ, no matter what happens in the years to come, that child will never forget that he is the Lord’s.
The Symbols of Christmas

The Symbols of Christmas

All around us at Christmas are signs of the celebration of His coming–lights, trees, decorations, even Santa Claus–as the world celebrates a holiday they don’t even understand. By our sharing the truth behind the symbols, they become "traditions which testify," imprinting hearts and minds with the love of God in the gift of His Son.
Come As a Child…

Come As a Child…

Something about the Christmas season makes us more inclined to recognize the child in us. The encounters of Jesus with children show how we are invited to come as a child to Him. Jesus Himself says, if you don’t, you’ll never enter into the Kingdom.
Making Money Your Friend

Making Money Your Friend

Salvation has no price tag; you can go to heaven even if you never give God a dime. Growth, however, often hinges on a decision to take a fundamental point of biblical commitment in giving. You determine whether the finances of this life are governed by world’s system, or the Lord’s.
The Shadow of Thanksgiving

The Shadow of Thanksgiving

I salute those devoted believers who remain unshaken by the tremors of upset and upheaval. They’re people whose thankful hearts bring smiles amid the shadows. Even while navigating stormy waters, they live in a light that no darkness can diminish.