To Halt a Holocaust and Ignite a Holy Firestorm

To Halt a Holocaust and Ignite a Holy Firestorm

The events of September 11, 2001 prompted this response by Pastor Jack Hayford to questions raised by believers: Were the attacks God's judgment? Why did Christians die? What should our response be? And, how should we live and pray? The answers, taken from the timeless Word of God, are as true today as when this article was written.
An Unshakable Kingdom

An Unshakable Kingdom

The devastating upheavals taking place in our world today underscore how critical it is for each of us to receive and experience the unshakable Kingdom of Jesus Christ for ourselves. By hearing and responding to Jesus’ call, it is possible for His unshakable Kingdom to so penetrate the fabric of our lives that even though we may be shocked by circumstances, we will not become shaken by them.
A Mother Called Wisdom

A Mother Called Wisdom

Becoming a “witness unto Jesus” is something I was privileged to observe in my parents. My mother, in particular, taught us wisdom in ways that shaped us throughout our lives. In this Mother’s Day tribute, I share three values instilled in me by my mother’s wisdom...
When You Think You’re At The End: Resurrection Day

When You Think You’re At The End: Resurrection Day

When you think you're at the end, Jesus comes with a trumpet call, appearing as you've never seen Him before. He has the keys to release life into any circumstance that may seem dying or dead. He is the Alpha and Omega, the author and finisher of your faith, who declares: "The triumph of My Resurrection is intended to penetrate your today, and nothing can write your ending but Me."
America Shall Be Saved!

America Shall Be Saved!

It is neither pretentious nor naive to propose that, though seriously imperiled, the future of America is salvageable. America can be transformed through a people whose faith and actions are rooted in God’s call and promise. The Bible reveals that, as Abraham’s seed, praying believers have the potential to determine the destiny of nations. Let us receive God’s promise. America can be saved!