Deliciously Vanilla!

Deliciously Vanilla!

When asked how Anna and I have made our marriage work for more than six decades, I tell people, “It’s right there in the most practical handbook available—the Word of God”. Here's the story of how we first met...
Choosing Between Two Different Worlds

Choosing Between Two Different Worlds

Jesus uses the story of the unjust steward to cut across the landscape of everything that has to do with our moral values, life values and priorities. He concludes by saying that there is one choice that settles it all: Who will you serve?
The Holy Spirit: The Great Psychiatrist

The Holy Spirit: The Great Psychiatrist

The Holy Spirit desires to reach down inside of us, remove obstructions to our wholeness, heal our pain, and fill our souls with God’s peace. By His counsel, wisdom, and might, we can experience deliverance from fear, inner turmoil, temptation, and bondage.
Not “Just Another Day”

Not “Just Another Day”

The story of Jesus stilling the tempest begins with “Now it happened, on a certain day....” It was on this “certain” day that the Lord sowed the seed of His word into their hearts and then demonstrated their truth in action. The disciples learned to receive the Word of God on this “certain day” in the manner that you and I are to receive it in all our days, and in the face of whatever storms we find ourselves in.
The Beginning of Sorrows

The Beginning of Sorrows

When people ask me, “Pastor Jack, do you think this is the last generation?” my answer is, “I don’t know. But I do know this: It’s yours and mine.” The issue is not, “Do we live in the last generation?” The issue is, “Will you and I live for Jesus Christ in the one generation we have and do business for Him until He comes?”
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