The Windows of Heaven

The Windows of Heaven

This expression, found in three places in the Old Testament, refers not only to financial blessings, but also to God's releasing of growth and increase in every part of our lives. Tithing doesn't buy God's blessing, but it does open a "window" of release for Him to bless continually and mightily.
The Sabbath

The Sabbath

Observing the Sabbath is more than a suggestion; it is a commandment—perhaps the most misunderstood of the Ten Commandments. Here are biblical answers to commonly asked questions such as, Which day of the week is it? Do Christians need to observe it? How can I take time for the Sabbath when there's so much to do?
Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

Symbols are ways in which the reality of the invisible penetrates the visible, so that we might capture an understanding of what the Holy Spirit is like. The Holy Spirit comes as rain, as rivers, as oil, as wine, as fire, and as a dove.
The Thanksgiving Joy of Harvest

The Thanksgiving Joy of Harvest

Thanksgiving calls us to celebrate not only God’s provision and restoration, but also His promise and presence—even amid delays, restricting circumstances, or tears. It is also a call to constancy, for the journey to harvest will usually be harder than we think, longer than we expect, and more rewarding than we can ever imagine.
Everything for Christ

Everything for Christ

There is no more significant moment in my life’s recollection than when, as a teenager, I declared, “Jesus, You can have it all.” I’d opened to everything He had for me when I was ten, but I gave Him everything I had six years later.
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