Creation Shall Praise Him!

Creation Shall Praise Him!

I’m thankful that through Christ Jesus, the One who made all things, I am being recovered from the debris of confusion in a world where most of humankind have lost their identity and their destined individuality. It’s enough to wake you up in the morning with a song.
The Day That Death Was Turned Backwards

The Day That Death Was Turned Backwards

Jesus' reversal of death for three people during His ministry, along with His own resurrection, confirms for all time His will to reverse the death-dealing power of a hopeless future, confused thinking about God, and fatalistic prophecy.
How To Live Through a Bad Day

How To Live Through a Bad Day

If you want to talk about having a bad day, Good Friday certainly would qualify. While the “good” in that day is related to God’s love gift of His Son, the Good Shepherd, laying down His life for the sheep, it was, nonetheless, a very bad day.
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