God sends seasons by way of plans He has for us, and those plans are His promise to us—for new life, new increase and new abounding in our lives today.
There are few subjects that excite more curiosity, interest, joy, animosity, debate or doctrinaire posturing than “speaking with tongues.” To even address it may raise the question, “Why do you bother with this?” Here is my answer to that.
God calls us to capture His possibilities for each season of our lives. Reject the world’s thinking about age. With age comes increase, significance and substance. The course of change and age impacts everyone’s life sooner or later, so don't let these things cause your world to come apart. God desires to do great things in your life, if you will answer His call to...
You and I are surrounded by phenomenal displays of God’s power, grace and miracles. Yet unbelief and thanklessness survive too easily in our world. How can we avoid the mistake of supposing ourselves incapable of heart-hardness?
Becoming a “witness unto Jesus” is something I was privileged to observe in my parents. My mother, in particular, taught us wisdom in ways that shaped us throughout our lives. In this Mother’s Day tribute, I share three values instilled in me by my mother’s wisdom...
Are you ready for the Lord to do something new in your life? Something unexpected and out of the ordinary? The biblical story of Ruth shows us God’s ways with people who are just like us. When facing a crossroad, you and I must decide whether to stay with the status quo or, like Ruth, respond to God’s call to “a new time and place” and choose to follow Him.
Following a word from the Lord to go and pray in Israel, I led a group to build altars in the North, South, East, and West. The kingdom principles with which our team built and prayed over these altars of Truth, Life, Worship, and Praise in Israel.
“Kingdom Now,” “Demons and Deliverance,” “Prophets and Prophecy,” “Signs and Wonders,” “Confessing the Word,” “Healing and Prosperity” – these are just half a dozen of the emphases that sporadically ricochet through the charismatic movement. They delight proponents, dismay critics and provide fodder for innumerable questions and fiery postulations. But they also create serious concerns...
Altars represent the occasion and place where we have had a personal encounter with God. We may not always be able to make a physical altar, but there can be one established in our hearts. Altars appear throughout the Bible in many different forms with different significances, what altar is the Lord calling you to today?
Father God’s love letter to us is ours to be received every day in His Word. Like a valentine, God’s Word is addressed to us where we are, no matter our current state of difficulty or weakness. It comes with gifts of the Spirit and an inscription...