Angels are messengers of God who speak to us as they did to people of the Bible. To Zacharias they announced fulfillment of a promise he’d almost given up hoping for; to the virgin Mary they spoke of the unimaginable; and to Joseph, that what seemed a disappointment was going to turn out better than […]
Like the watershed of the Rocky Mountains—expansive in its surge to the “fruited plains” of the east while channeled into a dry narrow gorge to the west—so watershed worship is the way Heaven’s fountainhead of grace, blessing, and fruitfulness is tapped in our lives and to those around us.
Even when we’ve received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, there is damage from our past that needs to be healed. Pastor Jack’s landmark series on Nehemiah provides us with a clear picture of how the Holy Spirit assists the believer in rebuilding life’s broken places.
Even when we’ve received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, there is damage from our past that needs to be healed. Pastor Jack’s landmark series on Nehemiah provides us with a clear picture of how the Holy Spirit assists the believer in rebuilding life’s broken places.
Father God has birthed us in Christ to be His children, and that brings us into a place of security and confidence worthy of rejoicing. Let’s discuss the pragmatics of that love when it comes to advancing His purpose in every detail of our lives.
What does the Bible mean when it says that God’s Word discerns and divides between soul and spirit? Understanding the difference between the spiritual-me and the soul-me, and that are neither one is any less me than the other, is an essential step of coming to understand how we partner with the Holy Spirit.
What is the nature of spiritual warfare? Some suggest that even saying it exists demeans the triumph of Calvary. Others become so preoccupied with the idea of wrestling against the works of darkness that it creates superstition. I want us to find a mid-ground where there is truth and there is a battle, but there […]
Trials come and we have our struggles, but people aren’t the problem. This week in our study of Nehemiah, we’ll look at a vital piece of Bible history to understand what genuinely brings fruitfulness in life.
Today there is a greater readiness to believe in the power of invisible evil than to open to the love of an invisible God. Today we’ll examine spiritual warfare: the invisible struggle and its impact on us, and how to triumph in the victory the Lord has provided in His Cross.