Core Values

The core values reflected in all facets of Jack Hayford Ministries® are:
Glorify God and His Son
To glorify God and His Son through fidelity to His Word and by the power of the Holy Spirit; fostering spiritual growth through worship, prayer, and study of the holy scriptures—the Bible.
Promote Biblical Unity
To model and promote the spirit of love and unity in the whole Body of Christ, embracing all individuals, ethnicities, church groups and denominations who acknowledge Jesus the Son of God as humankind’s only Savior and Lord.
Encourage Spirit-Filled Living
To encourage all believers to receive and experience the fullness, power and gifts of the Holy Spirit as Jesus promised and commanded; thereby to assist their spiritual formation into the likeness of Christ, in character, witness, and service.
Minister with Integrity
To conduct all ministry with a grace and integrity that communicates honestly and handles finances accountably; seeking by purity of policy to enhance the credibility of Gospel ministry in the eyes of the world and all believers.