About the Ministry

Jack Hayford Ministries®
Jack Hayford Ministries® (also known as Living Way Ministries®) is a non-profit outreach dedicated to strengthening the Church of Jesus Christ through the teaching ministry of Pastor Jack Hayford, founding pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California (1969-1999). Dr. Hayford was also founder and chancellor of The King’s University in Southlake, Texas.
Today, the scope of Jack Hayford Ministries® includes:
The Jack Hayford Digital Library
Previously offered as the Online School of Pastoral Nurture, the Jack Hayford Digital Library is an online resource to equip pastors, church leaders, and all believers with Pastor Jack’s teachings. Featuring video, audio, transcripts and 2-page sermon summaries, the Digital Library is a one stop shop for the best teachings on spirit formed living from Pastor Jack’s 60+ years in ministry.
The Digital Library is a subscription product with both Monthly ($7.95/mo) and Annual ($49.95/year) options. We’ve set this at an amazingly low price, knowing that a bi-vocational pastor of a small church needs Pastor Jack’s teachings as much as anyone else. We hope that you’ll take advantage of this resource and that your own ministry reaches more souls for Christ’s Kingdom because of it.
Online Store
This facet of the ministry distributes the extensive catalogue of audio, video, and published resources of Jack Hayford via the website and by mail/telephone order. Resources include the thousands of teaching messages from his 30-year legacy as pastor of The Church On The Way. Jack Hayford authored more than 100 books and served as the General Editor of the Spirit Filled Life® Bible and the Spirit Filled Life® Commentaries. He also composed over 600 songs, including the internationally known “Majesty.” Considered a “pastor to pastors,” the resources of his teaching and preaching ministry offer a wealth of wisdom to grow and disciple the Body of Christ. In addition to easy access from this website, The Media Store may be reached by calling 1-800-776-8180 (outside the U.S. call 1-818-779-8525).
The King’s University
Founded by Dr. Jack Hayford, who also served as chancellor, The King’s University is a Spirit-filled center designed to equip men and women for effective and godly leadership in the Church and community. The vision of the institution is to train mature servants who are spiritually vibrant, biblically strong, theologically, balanced, Spirit-empowered, ministry-equipped, and culturally sensitive. The school seeks to integrate biblical and theological training with practical skills essential for effective witness and ministry.