
Our Heavenly Home

"In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." -John 14:2

From Jesus’ own lips, we receive the promise of His return, and these are among the most comforting words in all of Scripture. As the heavenly Bridegroom has preceded the Bride, Jesus has faithfully and lovingly prepared an eternal place for us.

In this text Jesus tells us of a peace, a place and a promise. He begins with a comforting exhortation to not be troubled and to be at peace. Our peace is based on our belief in God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. We know that He is trustworthy, and that provides us with a foundation of peace upon which to build our lives.

Jesus speaks of a place He has prepared for us to have eternal fellowship with Him. We have His personal promise that He is returning for us.

Think of it! His personal signature is on our salvation; because we have received Him, He is coming to receive us!
