
Letting Love Grow in Us

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;... -Romans 12:10

This Scripture teaches us three kinds of love, kindly affection, brotherly love, and giving preference. 

“Kindly affection” is drawn from the root word for friend. It implies the cherishing of one’s natural relatives. “Brotherly love” suggests that we are to love others. “Giving preference” calls us to show deference to others. The literal meaning of this word is “to lead the way for others.” 

Are these three kinds of love being walked out in our lives? Are we living in kindly affection and loving our relatives, honoring our parents and caring for our families? Are we loving others, or are we constantly criticizing and backbiting? Are we giving preference to those around us or insisting on our own way above others? Are we living our lives in such a way that others will come to find Jesus as their Savior and follow Him? 

Let us ask the Lord to cause those three areas of love to grow in our lives, as we reach out to our families, the body of Christ and the world. 
