
Actively Remembering

For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. -1 Corinthians 11:26

Just as water baptism outwardly declares an inward experience of salvation through the blood of the Lord Jesus, so each observance of the Lord’s Table is a powerful occasion for faith’s confession. In this practice, believers confesses before all Heaven and Earth, not only that they believe, but also that they have not forgotten. “In remembrance” involves more than just memory; the word suggests an “active calling to mind.” 

The word “for” in v. 26 introduces the reason for the repetition of the Supper. It is an acted sermon, for it proclaims the Lord’s death. The outward act of faith in taking the bread and cup is an ongoing confession. Each occasion of partaking is an opportunity to say, proclaim, or confess again: “I am laying hold of all the benefits of Christ’s full redemption for my life, forgiveness, wholeness, strength, health, sufficiency.” 

The Lord’s Supper is not simply a ritual remembrance, but a powerful proclamation by which we actively call to memory and receive today all that Jesus provided and promised through His cross. 

1 Corinthians